The shape of relations: knots and other stories

Radmila Sazdanovic (North Carolina State University)

02-Dec-2022, 20:00-21:00 (2 years ago)

Abstract: Topological Data Analysis provides tools for discovering relevant features of data by analyzing the shape of a point cloud. In this context we develop tools for visualizing maps between high dimensional spaces with the goal of discovering relations between data sets with expected correlations. The main focus of this talk is knots and their invariants, but we will touch on other examples including applications to cancer genomics, game theory and materials science.


Audience: general audience

VCU Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Colloquium Series

Series comments: A series of public lectures in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Virginia Commonwealth University.

To attend virtually, please connect via Zoom using the following coordinates:

Zoom Meeting ID: 822 7853 4531 Password: VCUMATH101

Organizers: Laura Ellwein Fix, Nicola Tarasca*
*contact for this listing

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